Tag "Lorena Gonzalez"
Back to homepageCA Board of Education sides with teachers union on school funding
The State Board of Education, led by Gov. Jerry Brown’s longtime ally Michael Kirst (right), has decided to back up state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson’s interpretation of a key state education reform, the 2013 Local Control Funding Formula
Read MoreCA Democratic Convention: Lorena Gonzalez leads party into workers’ comp fight
Lorena Gonzalez doesn’t shy away from a fight. After less than two years in the state Assembly, the former San Diego labor organizer has established herself as the state’s leading advocate for workers. Last year, Gonzalez successfully authored legislation to force companies – large
Read MoreAsm. Lorena Gonzalez proposes labor protections for cheerleaders
Legislative committee hearings aren’t known for their heart-pounding excitement. But, you might hear a round of cheers to excite the crowds at this week’s Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism & Internet Media Committee. On Tuesday, the committee is scheduled to consider
Read MoreCommittee passes double holiday pay bill
A bill requiring California businesses to provide double pay for employees working on Thanksgiving and Christmas recently passed the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, despite concerns that it will further hurt the state’s business climate and may be unconstitutional. Assemblywoman
Read MoreAnalysis: Which proposed bills help, hinder, small businesses
Among the approximately 2,000 bills considered in the California Legislature this year, many affect small businesses. Here’s the analysis of four by the National Federation of Independent Business California: Assembly Bill 23 and Senate Bill 5, the Affordable Gas Tax for Families
Read MoreNew 2015 laws: Hollywood wins, in-home care loses
New Year’s Day sure wasn’t a holiday from new regulations: 2015 brings 931 new laws Californians must obey. Some took effect on Jan. 1; others will later in the year. State lawmakers — with the approval of Gov. Jerry Brown — have changed how
Read MoreVergara’s grim implications for CA Dems ignored
When Asian-American lawmakers objected to efforts by black and Latino lawmakers to gut Proposition 209 and bring racial quotas back to college admissions and other state government programs, the California media thought that was news. Nexis shows 85 stories about
Read MoreUTLA boss goes Orwell: Teachers=students
Tuesday’s historic Vergara vs. California ruling was likened to Brown vs. Board of Education by none other than Rolf Treu, the judge who issued the decision. But has anyone noticed how quiet Latino Democrats are about the ruling, outside of
Read MorePost-Vergara: Civil war possible among CA Dems
The Vergara storm is coming, and I’ve got a feeling that it’s going to be gigantic. The ruling’s potential impact on California public education — and public education nationally — could be immense. Even if it doesn’t stand, it will
Read MoreCalWatchdog.com story spurs San Diego lawmakers to introduce bill
Two San Diego legislators are calling on the federal government to end the practice of paying people with disabilities less than minimum wage. Democratic Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez and State Sen. Ben Hueso have introduced Assembly Joint Resolution 36 to increase pressure on
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