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Bullet-train propaganda: China-style vs. California-style

Oct. 22, 2012 By Chris Reed Last week’s New Yorker features a well-reported but conflicted article that tries to depict China’s all-out push to become the world leader in bullet trains as a vast fiasco of corruption, incompetence and hubris

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New York Times’ ignorance on California: How it’s revealing about state Dems, media

Oct. 15, 2012 By Chris Reed On Sunday, The New York Times printed a long article about the California government’s move to implement AB 32, the landmark 2006 state law forcing a shift to cleaner but costlier types of energy.

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Media: A crisis of content?

Oct. 7, 2012 Katy Grimes: A story in the Sacramento Bee Saturday reported that Israel’s liberal press is on the ropes. But the McClatchy writer’s conclusions about why are laughable. “The economic crisis that’s hit the newspaper industry in the

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The ‘nut graph’ you’ll never see in a state government story

Oct. 1, 2012 By Chris Reed On Sunday, as I read iconoclastic pollster Pat Caddell‘s sharp, persuasive tirade documenting the many issues where the national media have spared the public from the details of the Obama administration’s venality and incompetence,

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In the spirit of ‘Animal Farm’: Some projects are more ‘worthwhile’ than others

By Chris Reed Sept. 21 The difference between the federal government’s go-slow-or-is-it-no-go approach on the Keystone XL oil pipeline and the let’s-get-it-done push for the first segment of the California bullet train is instructive, in that in both cases we

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Blatant lying by Obama on who is responsible for surge in deportations

By Chris Reed Sept. 21 On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported on the fury in some communities over the surge in deportations under the Obama administration. Among the most important points in the report, titled Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011, ICE

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Arnold’s biographer beats up on his old buddy. Good!

Sept. 17 By Chris Reed Arnold Schwarzenegger was such a disappointment as governor that it’s somewhat of a disappointment that the reason the media have turned on him has to do with his personal misconduct, not the bait-and-switch he pulled

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More guns, less crime

July 23, 2012 By Katy Grimes The mainstream news reports about the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting on Thursday night is the worst reporting and irresponsible commentary I’ve ever seen. And once again, guns are the bad guy. As American liberals

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L.A. Times password doesn’t work

July 12, 2012 By John Seiler The Los Angeles Times seems determined to destroy itself. I pay for a paper subscription. So I’m supposed be able to log in to their online version with a password. I’ve just spent 20

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Prop. 13 Circuit Breaker Halts Tax Losses

JULY 8, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI AND CHARLES B. WARREN California’s Proposition 13 is working to halt a larger and faster erosion of the property tax base in Sacramento County and elsewhere around the state.  But that is not what

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