Tag "John Seiler"

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California unemployment third worst at 10.7 percent

Aug. 17, 2012 By John Seiler In numbers released this morning by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, California’s unemployment in July remained the same as in June, 10.7 percent. But that was an improvement from the 11.9 percent of July

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Maviglio wrong on tax increase aftermath

Aug. 15, 2012 By John Seiler I like Steve Maviglio, the longtime Democratic and union activist and spokesperson, because he summarizes what those he represents are thinking. So it’s worth reading what he says on the the legislative vote for

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Even Hollywood is fleeing Taxifornia

Aug. 15, 2012 By John Seiler Hollywood’s leftist elite are big supporters of such causes as raising taxes and President Obama. The president is planning more events there in the fall to troll for campaign cash among the glitterati. Despite

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Hiltzik ignores massive debt

Aug. 15, 2012 By John Seiler Los Angeles Times business writer Michael Hiltzik is an excellent reporter. But when he gets to policy, his leftist perspective comes to the fore. That can be seen in today’s article on Paul Ryan’s

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Assembly Republican, ex-Republican sell out on tax hikes

Aug. 14, 2012 By John Seiler Just a couple of months ago Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher was being hailed as a new kind of “postpartisan,” “non-ideological,” “bipartisan” politician we need more of in the state Capitol. He had quit the Republican

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I’m sharing enough

Aug. 13, 2012 By John Seiler I make a middle-class income. I never even have come close to making as much money as such rich, liberal tax-increasers as Arnold Schwarzenegger, George H.W. Bush (the first one), President Obama, Gov. Jerry

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I report from the Calif. GOP convention in Burbank

Aug. 13, 2012 By John Seiler BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN BURBANK — My drive up from Huntington Beach to Burbank to attend the California Republican Convention displayed much of what is wrong with the state. A 51-mile trip took two hours. Beach

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Third World Kalifornia

Aug. 10, 2012 By John Seiler California continues to descend into Third World status, complete with corrupt, secretive government. The latest from Dan Walters: “Let’s not mince words about what the state Senate’s Democratic leader did Wednesday. It was self-serving

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Do you think you are free?

Aug. 9, 2012 By John Seiler With inflation gearing up again, there’s one safe way to protect your money that’s existed for millennia: hold it in gold. A new bank lets you do so: “You can open accounts in dollars

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Of course Prop. 32 would slam unions

Aug. 9, 2012 By John Seiler Politics has balance. When one party gets too strong, other parties move to take it down. That’s as true of totalitarian countries, where the factions are unseen, as it is in democracies, where the

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