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Tag "Kevin Faulconer"

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Pols’ 2010 gas tax swap made road woes worse

It’s become an annual ritual: Stories about the State Board of Equalization announcing it is raising or cutting the state excise tax on gasoline come July 1 to honor the fine print of a 2010 budget deal that requires gas

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San Diego mayor leery of subsidizing stadium, sees political risk

San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s call for another task force to consider how to build the Chargers a new stadium and keep the NFL team from fleeing to a newly plausible Los Angeles stadium prompted an are-you-kidding-me reaction from the

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Has quirky San Diego Democrat put hold on city’s “Los Angelization”?

Democrats have long had a big voter registration advantage in San Diego — a consistent 70,000-plus edge. Yet until November 2012, this never translated into liberal local governance akin to the aggressive progressivism of other large West Coast cities like

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Lessons of San Diego mayor’s race: How about ‘none’?

The victory of Republican Councilman Kevin Faulconer over Democratic Councilman David Alvarez on Feb. 11 in the special election to finish the term of departed and disgraced San Diego Mayor Bob Filner led to many pronouncements about The Deeper Meaning

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Will GOP learn from Faulconer’s win in San Diego?

San Diego voters elected affable, seemingly moderate Republican Councilman Kevin Faulconer as mayor in a special election Tuesday night, making him the biggest large-city GOP mayor in the United States. But before Republicans tout Faulconer’s unexpectedly decisive 9 percentage point

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Faulconer election won’t stop ‘Los Angelization’ of San Diego politics

On Tuesday, San Diego voters will decide between two City Council members in a special election to fill the remaining 33 months of the mayoral term of disgraced, resigned Bob Filner. The early conventional wisdom was that the clear favorite

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Outside labor $ may cost GOP expected win in San Diego mayor’s race

Politico has done an unusually good job for an East Coast news outlet in describing the Tuesday, Feb. 11, special election to replace disgraced Bob Filner as mayor of San Diego. Republican Councilman Kevin Faulconer, an affable moderate-conservative, had been

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Would-be San Diego mayor plans to nullify reform approved by city voters

In 2006, San Diego voters took a bold and unprecedented step: They lopsidedly approved a “managed competition” process under which groups of city employees would bid against private companies for the right to provide certain city services. This modified form

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San Diego mayor’s race: Shape-shifter to ‘leave public life’; GOP candidate favored

CalWatchdog has paid close attention to Nathan Fletcher over the past year, detailing the former union-trashing Republican assemblyman’s odyssey across the ideological spectrum. When the local GOP wouldn’t endorse him over libertarian crusader Carl DeMaio in the 2012 San Diego

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San Diego mayoral election Tuesday; party-switcher Fletcher on ropes

San Diego has a special mayoral election Tuesday to fill the seat vacated by serial perv Bob Filner. The conventional wisdom has always been that it would be Republican Councilman Kevin Faulconer versus the versatile Nathan Fletcher, a Republican assemblyman

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